A Bride to Be? Let’s Share Some Life-Saving Tips for A Healthy And Fit Bride!

Goodbye to Miss, say hello to Mrs.!

Hey, have you found your soul mate and waiting anxiously for your big day to arrive? Because why not! After all, the day that brings so much happiness and bliss to you, your partner, your family, and every other person celebrating is just around the corner.

You are absolutely mindful of the point that you, as a bride, are going to be the center of attention for everybody. Let us shed some light on the fact that you will be captured in sight as well as the cameras of all the guests at the events. So, the first and foremost thing you should not forget to consider is being in shape on your big day.

Undoubtedly, The Bride Is A Showstopper!

Are you one of those girls who kick out the stress and anxiety of their big day by literally eating whatever that passes your sight and has nothing to do with a healthy diet? The cheesy burgers, pizzas, plates of pasta, and whatnot is making their way to your stomach just to flout that pre-wedding tension. Hold on, lady! You might not be aware of the danger at this time, but this unhealthy binge eating is going to harm you a lot.

Now, what is more dreadful than the sight of you not getting fit into your dream wedding dress just because this honorable girl had put on some unnecessary weight on her body when healthy eating took a back seat on the journey to the wedding day?

Start Ahead Of Time!

Stay here! JL Wedding Films have sorted out the problem for all the brides-to-be. Get along with us to follow the diet and fitness guidelines that will make you look and feel ravishing on your wedding day!

Keep Up Your Pre-Wedding Diet:

  • Hydration is a must – the crucial thing that has the chance of being compromised at this crucial time is hydration! While you are running to book your makeup appointments, choosing your dress, and finalizing the décor of your event, drinking plenty of water just skips your mind. So, carry a handy water bottle with you every time and drink at least two to three liters of water every day.

  • Get yourself a multi-colored plate of nutrition – cut out the carbs and junk foods that will do nothing except put on extra weight. Also, add plenty of green vegetables, chickpeas, and kidney beans to your plate to give it a colorful look.

  • Fresh fruits will do wonders – to get glowing skin and avoiding unnecessary weight gain right before your wedding is extremely important. The intake of fresh fruits will help you in this big achievement. Start eating strawberries, pomegranate, cherries, and beetroots immediately after you wake in the morning and in between the meals. 

Keep Up Your Pre-Wedding Diet:

  • Hydration is a must – the crucial thing that has the chance of being compromised at this crucial time is hydration! While you are running to book your makeup appointments, choosing your dress, and finalizing the décor of your event, drinking plenty of water just skips your mind. So, carry a handy water bottle with you every time and drink at least two to three liters of water every day.

  • Get yourself a multi-colored plate of nutrition – cut out the carbs and junk foods that will do nothing except put on extra weight. Also, add plenty of green vegetables, chickpeas, and kidney beans to your plate to give it a colorful look.

  • Fresh fruits will do wonders – to get glowing skin and avoiding unnecessary weight gain right before your wedding is extremely important. The intake of fresh fruits will help you in this big achievement. Start eating strawberries, pomegranate, cherries, and beetroots immediately after you wake in the morning and in between the meals. 

The Wedding Workout Tips:

The first and very important thing that you need to keep in mind is to consider this workout routine as ‘me time. Start by doing less because we do not want any injuries. Progress the duration and intensity of the workout over time. Secondly, there’s no denial of the fact that workouts will yield AH-MAZING benefits to your body.

  • But first warm-up! – To avoid any sort of injury, you must start the workout regime by doing a warm-up. Shuttle runs or jumping jacks can be the best warm-up exercises.

  • The magic of cardio training– Cardio training is definitely going to do wonders for your body. This type of workout usually elevates your heart rate and is perfectly suitable for getting rid of pre-wedding anxiety and shedding extra calories and fats. Pilates, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), stationary bicycle, and aerobics can all be done as cardio workouts.

  • Pointing the curve of your waistline – add the important core exercises in your workout regime to stabilize and strengthen your core muscles. Physical exercises like crunches, lunges, squats, bridging, etc., are of great advantage to your body at this crucial time.

  • Do not skip the cool-down exercises – the cool-down exercises hold equal importance as the warm-up ones. These exercises will prevent injury and preserve the benefits of the workout and improve muscle recovery.

Resources and Local Trainers:

  • Beachbody.com (I highly reccomend P90X3 and T25 for short and effective workouts !)

  • www.preventionnperformance.com. This guy has been my personal trainer for the past 2 years and has given me great results! I've also seen him help brides to be get some great results as well!

  • leanleadershipacademy.com. Shawn is a personal trainer here on Long Island that I've done photography work for and gets his clients amazing results in just 12 weeks!

  • www.uniquehealthandfitness.com The biggest and best fitness club in town. If you're in the Suffolk County LI area I highlight recommend.


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